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Pang Chun 彭震

Asalatist | Fine Art Artist | Early Childhood Educator


"Impermanence is our best reminder."

—— Pang Chun 彭震



Pang Chun 彭震

Asalato樂手 | 純藝術工作者 | 幼兒教育工作者

Asalatist | Fine Art Artist | Early Childhood Educator


彭震(Pang Chun),生於香港1993年。

Born in Hong Kong in 1993, Pang Chun has always been observant since early childhood, a characteristic keenly reflected through his body of work.



Pang was accepted at the Business School of University College Dublin, Ireland, to read cultural studies in 2010. The course piqued his interest in the creative field and set him upon his journey on his return to Hong Kong.

回港後,彭氏於皇家墨爾本理工大學主修雕塑系,2014年完成修讀藝術文學士 (藝術) 課程。


In 2014, Pang graduated with a BA in Fine Arts from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) majoring in sculpture.



After graduation, Pang was invited to teach music classes in kindergartens and primary schools. He completed his Postgraduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education in 2020 at the Hong Kong Baptist University, and became a full-time kindergarten teacher.



The ups and downs in Pang’s life, marked by the loss of a close family member, has provided him with a deeper understanding of his own outlook in life and a reminder to cherish what we have. Pang cites “Nature and Life” as his most important sources of inspiration.



In recent years, Pang has focused his energy on the research, promotion and teaching of music and culture in hopes of spreading “world music” to the wider public.



“The Future is Rooted in The Present”


Through his various roles as an educator, artist, and musician, Pang sees himself akin to a gardener, with a hope to inspire and maximise the potential in those he encounters.

Show & Exhibition List

2023 - 尚山岩舘 x OpenSlap ft. Chor Lai「山樂 •是山」音樂分享會 - 靜月製所《BREEZY DREAM MINI CONCERT》 - innervoice Chor Lai x Pang Chun @bound - Project Mooon Presents "Destruggle" music performance @Fringe Club - Lung Fu Shan Music Journey 龍虎山音樂之旅 - Lau Bak 留白 Freespace Livehouse Chor Lai ft. Pang Chun - Project Mooon x Elf Lab Music Party  - Interzone Collective - Perrier-Jouët 秘密花園 @Tai Kwun 大館  - MEMES & FRIENDS PRESENTS: Openslap【樹的節奏】 Asalato音樂體驗工作坊 - Oneness Music Presents: Openslap【節奏的果實】 Asalato音樂體驗工作坊 2022    - MEMES & FRIENDS Presents: MouseFX ft. Chor Lai & Pang Chun - Reggae Party - Project Mooon x Elf Lab Free Jamming  2019 - Attachment-Detachment: The Fluxes of Subjects and Objects - Kai Fong Pai Dong Zine 3, 街坊排檔書子 3 2018 - Attachment-Detachment: The Fluxes of Subjects and Objects — Hong Kong Taiwan Art Exchange Exhibition, 入世・離地/貼地・出世 — 港台藝術交流展 → 香港 HK 2017 - Hi House - Jaffa Lam X Sam Tung Uk Museum - Kai Fong Pai Dong Zine 2, 街坊排檔書子 2 2016 - World & Heaven: Hong Kong Sculpture Biennial 2016, 人間/天上:香港雕塑雙年展



| Music | Arts | Design |


〰️the flowing frequency〰️

作團隊 PROJECT MOOON 於2015年成立,致力於商業項目中連結新一代本地藝術家、音樂家、療癒師、設計師、插畫師、攝影師、舞蹈家等創作人。並定期舉辦藝術活動、體驗工作坊、音樂會及表演。

Founded in 2015, Hong Kong-based creative art group PROJECT MOOON is committed to connecting a new generation of local artists, musicians, healers, designers, illustrators, photographers, dancers and other creators of different media in commercial projects. Scheduled events and classes open to the general public includes mindful art projects, experiential workshops, concerts and performances.

© PROJECT MOOON 2024 All rights reserved.

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